It has been a great journey. T___T
The the ending just broke my heart, I really liked the Togame and Shichika pairing but as the anime explained it Togame HAD to die which is something I really don’t understand. The whole moment they had before Togame’s death was really tear jerking but it was confusing and endearing at the same time.
Togame explained what she has done and that if she didn’t die she would’ve been forced to kill Shichika instead because the truth is Togame really haven’t forgiven the Shichika’s father for killing his father and everything was her plot for revenge.
Everything was calculated and that her feelings and emotions were just mere pawns for her plans. That being said, Shichika still loves her and he even said that he would' have given his life for her (this really started the whole water works for me).
I specifically cried and felt all warm and fuzzy inside by Togame’s final words.
After that Shichika went berserk on the Shogun and killed of his guards that wielded the 12 swords that they have collected. This was a really action packed and thrilling scene, it was awesome to see the true form of the Kyoto-ryu. The guards as well as the swords were no match for him and it seems that the only reason why Shichika had any difficulty defeating the sword wielders from before was the fact that Togame had instructed her to protect herself and NOT break the swords.
I also liked the fight scene he had with Emonzaemon but I was a little disappointed with it because in the end I wasn’t really sure if Shichika won because of his skills or simply because that was the road that Emonzaemon chose.
I don’t actually want to talk about the end after the fights because NTR girl Princess Hitei was in it. :( Yes, I’m not a fan of her because my loyalty is with Togame.
Actually, the ending was ok but I still had some questions that the anime never answered like,
what was the origin of the Maniwa corps?
what’s the deal with Togame’s eyes?
Emonzaemon’s past?
Togame’s past?
Hitei’s past?
The deal with rewriting history?
These things are still a bit blurry to me but all in all it was really a great adventure and if you still haven’t watched it…YOU SHOULD! This anime is good but if you’re not fan of the whole more talk less action kind of animes then you may be turned off with it a bit but you should still totally watch it.
There may be a whole lot of conversation in this anime but they were really interesting and funny. This is certainly a journey that you don’t want to miss. :)